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F.E.D.S. - A Nation of Deficiency

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

We are a nation suffering from Food Enzyme Deficiency Syndrome [F.E.D.S]. Our gut health is being challenged daily by processed foods, overcooked foods and shelf stable foods that are disastrously deficient in enzymes.

Digestive challenges is one the most common ailments today. In fact, as of October of 2018 a staggering $136B was spent on gastrointestinal health. As a nation we are spending billions of dollars for over-the-counter remedies that will aid heartburn, gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea and inflammation. How do we stop the insanity?

One thing that is often overlooked in the process is the actual digestion of food. Most doctors and books understand the science of normal digestion but do not have the inside knowledge of how to determine the factors around when digestion is affecting the physiological body. This is where the work of Dr. Howard Loomis Jr., D.C. shines brightest and is the basis of my knowledge in the world of enzymes. Digestion is a very complex process and it impacts the body differently for each individual person. It is important to understand that we are all unique and that the approach to health is not uniform and we can not be uniform in our delivery of methodologies to wellness.

Could enzymes be the answer to the multitude of symptoms, disease, autoimmune syndromes and cancer? Enzymes: what they are, what they do and why enzymes are important.


Enzymes are found in all living things. Life is not possible without enzymes in any form. They are the worker bees within the body that distribute macro and micronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals) to every organ and cell within the physiological body. Enzymes are proteins that are secreted by cells. They act as catalysts to induce changes in digestion and at the cellular level (metabolically).

Vitamins and minerals alone do not have the capacity to work without enzymes; they are called co-factors. An enzyme produced by the body or within food does its unique work only at its own specific pH (acid or alkaline) and temperature range. Outside of its pH range, the enzyme is deactivated. Outside of its temperature range, the enzyme is destroyed.

Enzymes are also found in plants and are the essence of what brings our foods to maturity. These same enzymes will “digest” this same food if conditions are right for that to happen. An example of this is the presence of “bruising” on fruit. In reality, cell walls have been damaged, releasing enzymes that begin digesting that fruit. Let’s look at a banana with brown spots. The ones with more brown spots are sweeter because the process of “digestion” of the fruit has begun releasing sugar from within the cell walls. The more digestion of that banana happens the more brown it becomes.

Being cognizant of how long we cook our fruits and vegetables is imperative for our health. Enzymes are the first to be destroyed during cooking, pasteurization, canning, microwaving or heating above 118 degrees Fahrenheit.

The most common enzymes that we will identify are as follows:

1) Food enzymes occur in raw foods and are destroyed if heated over 118 degrees Fahrenheit. These include proteases (digest proteins), lipases (digest

fats), amylases (digest carbohydrates) and cellulases (digest fibers).

2) Digestive enzymes are made in the body (primarily in the pancreas [if] functioning at 100%).

3) There are thousands of metabolic enzymes that are involved in all biochemical processes.

Enzyme Deficiency

Let us look closer at the Food Enzyme Deficiency Syndrome [F.E.D.S.], the resulting poor digestion and enzyme deficiencies. The number one sign of enzyme deficiency is inflammation (pain, swelling and instability within your physical structure) also known for remainder of this writing as autointoxication. Acute symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea and headaches usually indicate vitamin/mineral deficiencies. A more chronic challenge usually indicates a severe enzyme deficiency.

Whatever food particles you do not digest will become toxins. These larger food particles will create a putrefied mass in your digestive system that will leach toxicity into the body. They are unable to cross the gut wall and will become the beginning of symptoms for the body because the body does not have the ability to eliminate them with the current conditions.

Some food particles are broken down enough to cross the gut wall, but they are not reduced enough to be utilized by the body. When this occurs, the body will start attacking itself which is referred as autointoxication. They have crossed the gut wall but due to their size they cannot be utilized; the body will see this as a foreign invader and your white blood cells [WBC] will prepare for war. For those science geeks out there, this is called Leukocytosis. Read more about leukocytosis here.

How WBC are affected by the food you eat:

1) Raw or frozen food produces no increase in WBC counts.

2) Commonly cooked foods will cause a mild increase in WBC.

3) Pressure-cooked or canned foods will cause a moderate elevation in WBC count.

4) Processed food cause a severe increase in white blood cell WBC count.

5) Cured, salted and canned meats will bring on a violent increase in WBC counts equal to that seen in poisoning.

White blood cell counts increasing is a natural and protective process of the body, but it severely affects the immune system when it challenged on a daily basis. It can be easily corrected by diet modification and the proper target specific enzymes that support your unique body and challenges.

In order to correct acute or chronic challenges, we must scientifically determine how far the body has deviated from normal function. When the Innate Intelligence of the body is given the right tools it needs through target-specific enzymes and food the body will nourish itself back to normal function.

The video below will help you understand enzymes, how we find your deficiencies, how we gather lab tests, understanding treatment plan and how this will bring your body back to normal function.

Medicine will always be in search of the magic bullet - that pill or potion that will do exactly what it was intended to do and only what it was intended to do, every time, for every patient.

This is the Holy Grail of modern medicine. 

The problem is, it doesn't exist!   - Howard F. Loomis, Jr., D.C., F.I.A.C.A

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